Effective Pet Friendly Drug Detox

2 min readJun 12, 2021

A pet friendly detox program offers its members the opportunity to kick the habit of drinking alcohol while at the same time allowing their pets to be involved in the treatment process. The goal is to keep recovery as comfortable as possible for the pet. It is also important for the owners to make the recovery process as enjoyable as possible for the pet. The goal is to provide a positive experience for the pet so that he or she will not think of it as a painful procedure. Here are some helpful tips that will help you as you treat your pets during the detox process.

As the owner, you need to prepare for your pet’s recovery by providing him with as much stimulation as possible. To facilitate this, take your pets for a walk on days. If there is no walking facility in the area where you live, consider renting a dog park or a cat gym for your pets. This will provide them with a fun activity to engage them in while at the same time getting the required exercise they need.

For morning afternoons, provide your pets with massage therapy. This will provide the necessary relief to the animal’s body as he or she begins the recovery process. For some pets, pet-assisted therapy relieves some of the discomfort associated with the withdrawal process. If you cannot afford a pet-assisted therapy, you can still provide your pets with massage therapy during the residential detox program.

Give up prescription drugs. Although prescription drugs are indeed necessary for some individuals (especially those who are suffering from serious ailments), most pet owners opt to go natural when dealing with drug withdrawal symptoms. There are many effective pet friendly drug rehab available in the market today that can help in relieving your pet’s symptoms and cravings without the risk of side effects. The best thing about them is that they are very affordable. In fact, there are many pet friendly drug programs that require only a prescription from a veterinarian, and most of them are really very affordable.

